perennial, H
mesic, halophyle
steppe, forest-steppe, lower nmoral
Italia (relict), Slovenia (relict),
Scorzonero-Juncion gerardii
populations irradiating in the Arrhenatheretalia around
R15 habitats
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This species is a tall forb of the
mesohaline grasslands from Transylvania, Moldavia and eastern
Valachia which becomes rarer and rarer because of the taugh and
intense overgrazing in the saline areas.
Buzau, Spataru forest, 11th of August 2006.
Disappointingly just one individual was found at the place at that
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com
Sannicoara, Cluj county 31st of July 2005.
Unfortunately beginning with September 2008 tha halophyle habitat
there is virtually completely destroyed.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com
